About Hanna

Birthday: September 26, 2003
Birthplace: Russellville, Arkansas
Hometown: Plano, Texas
Coach: Misha Ge
Training Town: Artesia, California
Former Coaches: Olga Ganicheva and Aleksey Letov
Skating Club: Dallas Figure Skating Club
Hobbies/interests besides skating: Painting, baking

When did you begin skating: I started skating when I was around 3 years old. I was not very competitive yet, because I also did gymnastics.
However, once I turned 8 years old and moved to Texas, I started to skate more seriously and it became my main motivation.

How did you begin skating: Although I didn’t live in Texas yet, I would come to Dallas a lot and skated in a mall. I remember asking my mom to let me skate and I enjoyed it very much.

What is your favorite thing about skating? I like being able to jump and getting the feeling of accomplishment. The moments when you do an amazing performance at a competition, or even just landing a new jump, give me feelings I can’t get from anything else.